6am- pre-breakfast: cereal bar
feelings: Meh. This was an attempt to wake up and also because I was bored and waiting on Stacey.
8:30-9:30am- actual breakfast: yogurt and granola bar
feelings: Very satisfying and I still have half of the granola bar and a banana left if I get hungry before my lunch break. Feeling positive about the next few days because Stacey and I have been getting into stupid little tiffs every day lately and he is out of town for a few days. Usually I am sad about this but I think that I need some alone time at home, especially tonight because PETER PAN LIVE!!!
12pm- Lunch: leftover baby shower stuff. Pita chips with spinach dip, piece of pizza, very tiny slice of red velvet cake
feelings: OMG YUM. I brought beefaroni but this was way better. Now I want chips and dip for lunch every day. Probably a bad idea. Anyway, I'm worried that I'm going to talk myself into stopping by a grocery store on the way home to buy junk food for tonight. What I really want to do is cook a delicious bean, rice, and veggie dish and enjoy it fully while watching Peter Pan. But sometimes, being home alone and knowing that Stacey is going to be gone for a couple of days gives me the perfect excuse to binge eat. So I'm worried. But hopeful. I think that keeping this journal up is really helping me, and it's only been a week. I'm glad that I started this blog. I think that it will really help me to notice patterns of my overeating and binge eating, as well as help me to see other cues.
4:15pm- snack/early dinner: slice of thin crust pizza
feelings: I was suddenly hungry, so I ate a piece of the leftover pizza. Neutral about this.
7-10pm- Peter Pan snacks: 3 cereal bars and 2 1oz baggies of chips
feelings: I didn't feel like cooking. Those cereal bars are apparently binge-worthy. I enjoyed Peter Pan Live so super much. No guilt about these snacks. Feeling neutral. Didn't overeat today at all; was hungry for everything I ate.